The antioxidant potency

The process of oxidation is part of the normal bodily function, the consumption of oxygen forming harmful chemical compounds called free radicals, counterbalanced by a quick and efficient “capture and repair” mechanism carried out by antioxidants. It is estimated that the DNA in every cell in the human body suffers about 10,000 “hits” from free radicals each day. Factors such as urban pollution, UV exposure, smoking, stress or even fatigue can throw the repair mechanism off balance and let the amount of free radicals overwhelm the capture process. This excess of free radicals can then be responsible for skin cells deterioration and the appearance of premature skin aging signs.

To maintain this fragile balance and prevent most of the free radical related damages, two ways can be favored: decrease one’s exposure to free radical forming situations or increase antioxidant supply, both externally and internally.

“The process of oxidation is part of the normal bodily function, the consumption of oxygen forming harmful chemical compounds called free radicals, counterbalanced by a quick and efficient “capture and repair” mechanism carried out by antioxidants.”

It is worth remembering that we’re often surrounded by lots of environmental factors that expose us to free radicals, such as air pollution, tobacco smoke, toxins – and getting overtired or stressed at work or home can reduce your body’s ability to combat oxidative stress. It’s impossible to screen all of them out of life, but just by being a little mindful, one can reduce the impacts of these factors, day to day.

The more we are exposed to stress and psychological strain, the more free radicals are created. Therefore, in order to minimize the consequences of this exposure, one should, as much as possible, take breaks in daily life to allow the body to relax, reoxygenate itself and recover from the high levels of stress hormones. Positive thinking, meditation, relaxation, yoga or exercising can also improve emotional balance and nurture an inner wellness that will later show on the skin.

In parallel, a nutritionally balanced diet, that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in natural antioxidants is one of the easiest ways to tilt the balance towards a stronger protective mechanism against free radicals. When this mechanism is too compromised, a global body detoxification might be beneficial to get rid of accumulated toxins, free radicals, and reoxygenate the body from within.

“It’s impossible to screen all of them out of life, but just by being a little mindful, one can reduce the impacts of these factors, day to day.”

Ultimately, the fight and prevention of free radical related damages can also more precisely target the skin appearance. By using an antioxidant-enriched skincare routine, one can shield the skin from most of the external aggressions linked to urban life. Many scientific studies show that antioxidant actives integrated in cosmetics, such as polyphenols, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, OPCs, Q10 coenzymes, Zinc or Gatuline can have a positive effect on fighting free radical damage, thus helping reduce the appearance of premature skin aging signs and keeping the skin younger-looking for longer. Among the most potent antioxidants in the natural realm, Maritime pine OPC and Grape OPC are the two staple protective ingredients ensuring optimal results.

The best balance can be achieved by supplying the body with an in-and-out combination of antioxidants. That is why, in accordance with a holistic point of view, Vigne Royale offers the Urban Defense series: a luxurious skincare routine enriched with the R-Enols+ antioxidant complex, born from the fusion of Maritime pine & Grape OPCs and anti-aging Calendula, coupled with a nutricosmetic ritual to ensure an in-depth detoxification of the body as well as a solid supply in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals & essential fatty acids.

“By using an antioxidant-enriched skincare routine, one can shield the skin from most of the external aggressions linked to urban life.”