The effects of stress on your skin

In today’s fast-paced urban environment, men and women are quite often subject to high levels of stress, generally related to work and intense rhythms of life. Sleep deprivation, anxiety, overstrain and mental load: the effect of stress directly influences our body chemical equilibrium, specially in one of the most sensitive and complex organs there is, the skin.

Stress puts a strain on the skin, weakening its defenses against daily micro aggressions and slowing down its natural regenerating mechanisms: an accumulated exhaustion that translates into an increased dehydration, a dull complexion, an irregular skin texture and an acceleration of the formation of skin aging signs.

“Sleep deprivation, anxiety, overstrain and mental load: the effect of stress directly influences our body chemical equilibrium, specially in one of the most sensitive and complex organs there is, the skin.”

The first explanation would be that the body decodes stressful contexts as a threat, thus redirecting blood circulation towards vital organs to supply them with the necessary boost of oxygen and energy they need to react to the situation. Not considered by the body as a vital organ, the skin is accordingly less irrigated and “fed” by blood cells, leading to a general dullness and a less efficient regenerating mechanism.

Along with the blood response, the body is flooded with Cortisol, a stress-induced hormone whose main purpose is to release enough energy to allow the body to flee from the danger. But long-term Cortisol release leads to skin inflammation, an increased oil production on the skin surface and a drop in collagen production.

More fragile, the skin is thus more vulnerable to oxidative stress. The process of oxidation is part of the normal bodily function, which produces free radicals, counterbalanced by a quick and efficient “capture & repair” mechanism with antioxidants. However, factors such as urban pollution, UV exposure, smoking, stress or even fatigue can let the amount of free radicals overwhelm the repair process. This excess of free radicals can then be responsible for skin cells deterioration and the appearance of premature skin aging signs.

While we cannot avoid experiencing stress throughout our lives, it is still possible to prevent, limit and repair most of the negative effects it has on the skin.

“Factors such as urban pollution, UV exposure, smoking, stress or even fatigue can let the amount of free radicals overwhelm the repair process. This excess of free radicals can then be responsible for skin cells deterioration and the appearance of premature skin aging signs.”

A first step would be to repair and strengthen the skin protective barrier and boost its self-regenerating ability. For that purpose, the use of a protective skincare routine with an anti-pollution shield and detoxifying properties would be essential in a harsh urban context. Better protected, the skin regains its strength and vitality.

A second step would be to maintain an optimal skin hydration level and a correct function of microcirculation with in-depth moisturizing formulas enriched in vitamins and minerals to help skins weakened by urban exposure to regain their suppleness and their radiance.

Finally, many scientific studies find that a higher intake of antioxidant actives, such as polyphenols, can efficiently hold back oxidative stress and premature skin aging signs. Particularly, natural antioxidants are considered the most potent compounds to maintain cell youth, thus to keep the skin younger-looking for longer. To boost the efficiency of the antioxidants, it is recommended to regularly detoxify the body.

To help you keep this inner delicate balance and give your skin everything it needs to be urban-proof, Vigne Royale offers a two-step synergy between a deeply moisturizing and protective skincare routine enriched in R-Enols + antioxidant complex, born from the fusion of anti-free radical Maritime Pine, anti-aging Calendula and antioxidant Malromé Grapes, and a nutricosmetic ritual which ensures an in-depth detoxification of the body and replenish it with essential vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, to rebuild and maintain the optimal serene inner balance.

“Better protected, the skin regains its strength and vitality.”